Pleasure Craft Service
Hatton Power is your one stop shop to keep your boat operating worry free. From routine maintenance to emergency repair, let the service team at Hatton Power help you maintain your boat at peak performance.
Hatton Power is recognized as one of the Pacific Northwest’s Premier Marine Diesel Engine and Generator service companies. Our technicians are factory trained and qualified on the latest OEM technology. We can keep your boat engines and generators running like new with regular scheduled maintenance while following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Hatton Power will partner with you to ensure that you get the maximum performance and life out of your critical equipment.
If you experience an emergency breakdown, Hatton Power will be there to quickly get you back in operation. Hatton Power offers 24/7/365 service support worldwide by simply calling 888-283-5501. Rapid response is the foundation to our customer service commitment.
If you’re searching for a new boat, let Hatton Power help take some of the stress and headache out of your purchase. Hatton Power offers a detailed purchase survey inspection that will help you buy your next pleasure craft with confidence.